DO TANK…. since 2013

Do Tank...since 2013

What is a Do Tank?

A Do Tank®, trademarked in 2013, under the aegis of the Disruptor Foundation, is a  term used to describe an online and/or live event, or series of events, rooted in community building among like-minded people, entrepreneurs, businesses, NGOs, governmental agencies, academics  and academic institutions to actively engage in centralized, decentralized or distributed problems. The primary ethos stems from innovation theory and easy-to-use toolkits  Similar to TEDx events, anyone can form an official Do Tank®  with approval of the Disruptor Foundation by entering into a simple online licensing agreement typically free of charge.

Participants can increase the level of support and services on an a la carte basis based  prevailing pricing.  See additional information below. Do Tank facilitates the creation of  communities– large and small- both in online and/or  live events. Do Tanks  focus on collaborative  problem solving that involve taking action and implementing practical solutions that  address complex and challenging problems across various domains. While think tanks primarily emphasize research, thinking,analysis and policy making  often  generating ideas but do not get  involved in the active implementation of the policy recommendations.   Do Tanks prioritize practical implementation and actively engage in problem-solving activities involving transdisciplinary participants often relying on out-of-domain experience and expertise.

Do Tanks  focus on “intractable problems,” which are issues that are difficult to solve due to their complexity, interdependencies, or resistance to traditional approaches. These problems often require multidisciplinary perspectives, innovative thinking, and collaboration among different stakeholders. Do tanks aim to bridge the gap between theory and practice by developing actionable strategies, piloting projects, and implementing tangible solutions on the ground.

Compared to think tanks that predominantly focus on producing reports, policy recommendations, and intellectual discourse, do tanks emphasize hands-on involvement and tangible outcomes. They may engage in activities such as field experiments, pilot projects, community engagement, capacity building, advocacy, and direct implementation of interventions. The objective is to tackle challenges head-on and achieve measurable impact in areas such as social policy, environmental sustainability, economic development, public health, governance, and more.

In summary, a do tank is an organization or group that actively works on implementing practical solutions to intractable problems across multiple domains, contrasting with think tanks that primarily engage in research and idea generation.

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